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Retreat GRK 2948 Retreat 2024

  • Termin in der Vergangenheit
  • Montag, 7. Oktober 2024, 12:00 Uhr
  • Parkhotel Luise
    • Dr. Mario Caironi (iit, Milano)
    • Dr. Sadaf Pashapour (IMSEAM, Heidelberg)
    • Dr. Lucy Blaney-Laible (Language Center, Stuttgart)

Retreat of the GRK 2948 from 07. to 10.10.2024 in Bad Herrenalb. Prof. Selhuber-Unkel and Prof. Ludwigs gave an outline of their research and we had talks and panel discussions about the topics of publishing in peer reviewed journals and avoiding scientific misconduct. In addition, we had a course on academic writing in english and started works on outreach projects of the GRK 2948.

Mario Caironi giving his talk on edible electronics
  • Adresse

    Parkhotel Luise

    Dobler Straße 26
    76332 Bad Herrenalb

  • Veranstaltungstyp