Advanced Spectroscopies of Local Electronic-Ionic Dynamics in Energy Storage Materials
Design of novel materials for energy storage requires insights on the underlying mechanisms of charge-ion dynamics. A key mechanism is the conversion between delocalized charges and localized ionic species, and their connection to the underlying material, which controls efficiencies and performance of applications. The two available projects will design and employ advanced phase sensitive microscopic spectroscopies for new insights on charge-ion dynamics in real-time and in-operando.
(1) Effects of local environment on charge-ion conversion in hybrid nanostructures: You will use a commercial near-field microscope to reveal the local dielectric function and charging state on sub-100 nm length scales for insights into charging processes at domain boundaries and interfaces of energy materials.
(2) Ultrafast charging dynamics in hybrid battery materials: You will focus on detection of charge conversion and redox processes from ultrafast dynamic of the dielectric function. You will advance concepts for phase-resolved spectroscopies to achieve the sensitivity and time-resolution needed to gain insights into the dynamics of charge storage materials

Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Felix Deschler
Heidelberg University
Institute for Physical Chemistry
Im Neuenheimer Feld 229
69120 Heidelberg