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From Advanced Electrochemistry of Tailor-Made Mixed Conducting Polymer Films to Actuating Devices

The Ludwigs team has long-standing expertise on mixed ionic-electronic transport of mixed conducting polymer films. Both actuators in soft robotics and switchable organic electrochemical devices are targeted as applications.

A particular focus is put on advanced electrochemical techniques, which involves electrochemistry coupled with UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry in so-called in-situ spectroelectrochemistry, in-situ conductance, quartz crystal microbalance measurements and rheology. 

Electrochemistry is used for electropolymerization, electrochemical doping of solution-processed films and for the evaluation of electrochemical device properties. We are specialized in p-type and n-type conducting polymer films in aqueous and organic electrolytes. 

Within the GRKs project a fundamental understanding of the functional and mechanical properties of mixed conducting polymer films shall be established. This involves how the combination of morphology, doping state and choice of ions affects the films in terms of swelling and reversible switching. For actuator applications high swelling degrees will be targeted. Stimuli will include humidity and electrical fields.

Actuator responding to humidity

Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sabine Ludwigs

University of Stuttgart
IPOC – Functional Polymers, Institute of Polymer Chemistry (IPOC)
Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart

Research Group Website