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New Photocrosslinkable Polymer Architectures with Mixed Ion-Electronic Transport

Light is a very versatile tool for synthesis because it can be used to initiate a wide range of chemical reactions, such as photocrosslinking, with high selectivity and efficiency. The advantage of using light is the addition of spatial control to the fabrication process opening new possibilities for structuring of the polymers. In this project, we will investigate the influence of the photocroslinking in the ionic and charge transport as well the polymer architecture (e.g. linear (co)polymers vs brushes or star polymers). To this aim, a library of polymers decorated with redox as well as photocrosslinkable units exhibiting different architecture will be synthesized. An in-depth characterization of the generated materials will be carried out in collaboration with other groups of the RTG.

Symbol Image with light cones

Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eva Blasco

Heidelberg University
Institute of Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 225
69120 Heidelberg

Research Group Website