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3D Printing Mixed Conducting Polymers

3D printing technologies have enabled us with the possibility to create highly customized, complex, and functional objects with greater efficiency and precision than traditional manufacturing methods. The investigation of new functional printable materials is crucial for their successful integration in real-life applications. In particular, ionic and electronic conductive materials are highly desirable for many applications including electronics, sensing or energy storage. In this project we will explore new mixed conducting polymers suitable for light based 3D printing. Functional monomers containing electro-active and/or ionic groups will be synthesized and optimized in formulations for 3D printing. Special attention will be paid to transferring the desired functionality to the 3D printed structures. We further aim to apply this approach for the fabrication of functional devices in collaboration with other groups of the RTG.

Researcher working on 3D printing

Main Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eva Blasco

Heidelberg University
Institute of Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 225
69120 Heidelberg

Research Group Website